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A Packaged, Full-Strength Mystery: The Pursuit of Ideas In the AP Studio Art Sustained Investigation
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Enhancing Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity Through Theatre and Language Education ...
Cintron, Erika Jade. - : Drexel University, 2020
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Gender and innovation in STE(A)M education
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Culturally Specific Bilingual Arts Integration
In: Student Research Symposium (2016)
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Do Re Mi? Yes! Using Music and Visual Arts to Promote Thai Children's English Vocabulary Development
Mathayomchan, Somsuda. - : University of North Texas, 2016
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Ensinando história: produção de uma sequência didática sobre as representações do negro no Brasil
Ferreira, Mário Cézar Alves. - : Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2015. : Londrina, 2015. : Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e da Natureza, 2015
Abstract: Acompanha: Ensinando história: produção de uma sequência didática sobre as representações do negro no Brasil ; This work aims to present the production and application of a didactic sequence as educational product for knowledge appropriation of both teachers and students on ethnic-racial relations in Brazil, happening while teaching History. The concepts of representation, appropriation and cultural practices of the New History were used as guidelines for the construction of this analysis. With regard to the issue about the representations of black people, it was sought, during the implementation of the educational product, to discuss the racial theories built in the nineteenth century in order to identify changes and continuities of these representations nowadays, as well as the social exclusion process of former slaves and its implications for Afro-Brazilians today, in order to clarify the causes of poverty that affects more black than white people; analyzing and discussing the representations of black people in the Brazilian cinema from films made in different periods of the Brazilian History, seeking to overcome the stereotypical and discriminatory views of these representations. The research was conducted in a public school in Londrina / Paraná, with a group of thirty-five students of the third year of high school. Being of qualitative nature, in this action-research data were collected through written and oral activities and video recording of classes. For the elaboration of the lesson plans that composed the didactic sequence, the painting Redenção de Cã (1895), the song “A favela vai abaixo” (1928) and four movies, namely: “O Despertar da Redentora” (1942), a section of “Orfeu do Carnaval” (1959), and “Rio Babilônia” (1982) and the movie “Besouro” (2009) were selected. Before the elaboration of the lesson plans, it was necessary to review the literature on linguistic specificities of these documents, to the elaboration of involved didactic material. The elaboration of the lesson plans came up from the following issue: How can didactic sequences of history, developed from different languages, contribute to the deconstruction of racial prejudice in school environment? The focus of activities was therefore uncovering the origins of racism and stereotypes about black people, improving the critical view of the students about the filmic discourse and promoting discussion and the socio-historical reading of black people´s contribution to Brazilian culture. The results of the research allowed observing how productive the work with different sources by a problematizing way is to the learning process, establishing a relationship between present and past. So, the students were able to identify permanence of racist theories built yesterday, nowadays. They established relationships between social exclusion of slaves and the causes of poverty in Brazil; and they were able to identify, in general, the archetypes by which black people are placed in the national cinema, also identifying an appreciation of the representation of black people and their culture in the movie Beetle. ; Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal apresentar a produção e a aplicação de uma sequência didática como produto educacional, para a apropriação do conhecimento de professores e de estudantes sobre as relações étnico-raciais no Brasil, no ensino de História. Os conceitos de representação, apropriação e práticas culturais da Nova História balizaram a construção deste objeto de análise. No que diz respeito às representações do negro, buscou-se, durante a aplicação do produto educacional, discutir as teorias raciais, construídas no século XIX, a fim de identificar mudanças e permanências dessas representações nos dias atuais. Buscou-se, também, discutir o processo de exclusão social dos ex-escravos, que gerou implicações para os afro-brasileiros, a fim de esclarecer as causas da pobreza que afeta mais a negros do que a brancos. Para tanto, os alunos analisaram e discutiram as representações do negro no cinema nacional, com base em filmes realizados em diferentes períodos da História do Brasil, buscando superar as visões estereotipadas e discriminatórias dessas representações. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola pública de Londrina/Paraná, com uma turma de trinta e cinco estudantes do terceiro ano do ensino médio. De natureza qualitativa, nesta pesquisa-ação, os dados foram coletados mediante atividades escritas, orais e por meio de videogravação das aulas. Para a elaboração dos planos de aula que compuseram a sequência didática, foram selecionados como documentos o quadro Redenção de Cã (1895), a música A favela vai abaixo (1928) e quatro filmes, sendo eles: O Despertar da Redentora (1942), um trecho de Orfeu do Carnaval (1959), um trecho de Rio Babilônia (1982) e o filme Besouro (2009). Antes da elaboração dos planos de aula, foi necessário revisar a literatura sobre as especificidades linguísticas desses documentos, para a elaboração do material didático em questão. A preparação dos planos de aula partiu do seguinte problema: como as sequências didáticas de História, desenvolvidas com base em diferentes linguagens, podem contribuir para a desconstrução do preconceito racial no ambiente escolar? O fulcro das atividades, portanto, foi desvelar as origens do racismo e as estereotipias sobre o negro, aprimorar o olhar crítico dos estudantes sobre os discursos fílmicos e promover a discussão e a leitura histórico-social da contribuição dos negros para a cultura brasileira. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram observar o quanto é produtivo para a aprendizagem trabalhar de forma problematizada e com diferentes fontes, estabelecendo uma relação entre presente e passado. Os estudantes puderam identificar as permanências de teorias racistas, construídas ontem, nos dias atuais, estabeleceram relações entre a exclusão social dos escravos e as causas da pobreza no Brasil. Foram também capazes de identificar, de modo geral, os arquétipos pelos quais o negro é representado no cinema nacional, identificando também uma valorização da apresentação do negro e da sua cultura no filme Besouro.
Keyword: Blacks - Race identity; Blacks in art; Blacks in motion pictures; História - Estudo e ensino; History - Study and teaching; Negros - Identidade racial; Negros na arte; Negros no cinema
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Enhancing Visual Literacy and Communication Skills of Fifth Graders Through the Use of Student-Selected Artworks
Begnaud, Anne D.. - : Valdosta State University, 2011
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Art and creativity in Reggio Emilia : exploring the role and potential of ateliers in early childhood education
Vecchi, Vea. - London : Routledge, 2010
MPI für Psycholinguistik
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Culturally responsive classrooms through art integration
In: Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education (2010)
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Art teaching : making a difference in low decile schools : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education at Massey University
Sutherland, Sue. - : Massey University, 2004
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Design as Language
In: Proceedings of the 18th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (2002)
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Image to word-word to image : literally a vision ; Word to image
Phillips, Lori. - : Honolulu, Hawaiʻi : Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, 2000
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The response of secondary students from non-English speaking backgrounds to a visual arts course
Aitken, Jean O.. - : Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 1999
In: Theses: Doctorates and Masters (1999)
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The Hong Kong and British Columbia art curriculum guides: a comparative study
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Secondary arts teachers' perceptions of integrated arts
Giroud, Jeanette. - : Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 1997
In: Theses: Doctorates and Masters (1997)
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The effects of visual intervention on the holistic writing scores of fourth grade students
Dippel, Christine C.. - : Central Connecticut State University, 1996
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Discipline-Based Art Education as the Structural Support of a Language-Arts Intervention Program: Documentation of Cognitive Changes in Certain Elementary-Age Students
Stephens, Pamela Geiger. - : University of North Texas, 1996
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Language acquisition of ESL students in a discipline-based art education classroom using collaborative learning and whole language
Muldoon, Teresa Margaret. - : University of North Texas, 1994
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Part V Department of Education
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Part IV Department of Education
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