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Proceedings of the International Conference on "Minority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces" ...
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Proceedings of the International Conference on "Minority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces" ...
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CLIL e recursos hipersensoriais personalizados: simbiose perfeita de ensino e aprendizagem de Inglês no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Figueiredo, Maria Virgínia Pereira de. - : Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação, 2022
Abstract: O presente estudo, realizado em contexto de estágio integrado do Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, é o resultado da observação de aulas de Inglês do 1.º CEB e de aulas lecionadas na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), surgindo da inevitabilidade de querer compreender de que forma o conhecimento, saberes e experiências dos alunos, adquiridos em contexto escolar, bem como aqueles adquiridos no contexto familiar, social e cultural são integrados e conjugados no ensino e aprendizagem de Inglês como disciplina obrigatória do 1.º CEB. Desta forma, foram definidos três fatores a ter em consideração para este estudo com contornos de investigação-ação: a Metodologia, os Recursos usados durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada e o Grupo-Turma. Da pesquisa e análise documental efetuadas para este estudo resultou a adoção da Metodologia Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) –, a qual segue a recomendação do Ministério da Educação e Ciência e está em linha com as recomendações da União Europeia (UE) e do Conselho da Europa (CE), que recomendam ainda vivamente a utilização de estratégias que favoreçam a utilização da língua em contexto, tais como o designado CLIL, que consiste no estudo integrado de uma língua estrangeira com conteúdos de outras disciplinas. A metodologia CLIL oferece aos alunos a oportunidade de usarem uma Língua Estrangeira (LE) num contexto natural (Cruz et al., 2019, p.150). Aliada à escolha da Metodologia CLIL e, também, com base em pesquisas documentais, observação direta, notas de campo e consulta ao Grupo-Turma, foi efetuada uma seleção e elaboração de Recursos feitos à medida do Grupo-Turma. O trabalho desenvolvido ao longo desta PES teve em consideração o facto de que cada aluno é um indivíduo e visou sempre uma atuação em concordância com o que está definido no documento Perfil dos Alunos à Saída da Escolaridade Obrigatória (Martins et al., 2017), cujo o objetivo não é tentar uniformizar, mas sim atuar em conformidade com o quadro de referência criado, que pressuponha a liberdade, a responsabilidade, a valorização do trabalho, a consciência de si próprio, a inserção familiar e comunitária e a participação na sociedade que nos rodeia. Os principais resultados obtidos tendem a mostrar que a Metodologia CLIL é integradora, abrangente e inclusiva e que a seleção de recursos variados e hipersensoriais utilizados nas diversas atividades motivam os alunos e fomentam o seu interesse, participação e criatividade na aprendizagem, aquisição e construção das novas aprendizagens da Língua Estrangeira, que no caso desta PES é a Língua Inglesa. A construção de novas aprendizagens sobre os conhecimentos que os alunos já possuem – scaffolding – e a inclusão da diversidade dos contextos dos alunos, na Metodologia CLIL funcionam como uma mais-valia e são o elo de ligação com as novas aprendizagens na aquisição de uma nova língua. O projeto CLIL, que não é muito comum nas escolas, mas que é um dos projetos da Escola onde se desenrolou esta PES, prova que “while translanguaging work in schools is still in its infancy and is sometimes even contested in bi/multilingual education programmes, we are beginning to see that all children are capable of competence in additional languages” (Ching & Lin, 2019, p.104), como pudemos verificar pela recetividade dos alunos à Metodologia CLIL adotada na planificação e consecução dos objetivos a que nos propusemos. ; This study, made under the Master in English Teaching in Primary School (Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico) integrated internship context, results from the observation of primary school English classes and lectured Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) classes, raising from the inevitable will to understand in what way pupils’ knowledge, skills and experiences, acquires at school, as well as those acquired within the family, social and cultural contexts, are integrated and linked in the English language teaching and learning as a compulsory subject in primary school. As such, three factors have been defined to take into consideration for this in the form of investigation-action study: Methodology, Resources used during STP and the Group-Class. The outcome of the literature research led to the adoption of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Methodology, which complies with the recommendation of the Education and Science Ministry and is also in line with the recommendations of the European Union (EU) and European Council (EC), which strongly advise the usage of strategies that favour the language usage within a context, such as the so called CLIL, consisting on the integrated study of a foreign language with contents from other subjects. “CLIL methodology offers students the opportunity to use a Foreign Language (FL) in a natural context” (Cruz et al., 2019, p.150). Alongside CLIL Methodology and, based on documentary research, direct observation, field notes and Group-Class consultation, a selection and a Group-Class tailored Resources were made. The work done throughout this STP took into consideration the fact that each pupil is an individual and always aimed towards an alignment with what is defined on the Students Profile Document (Martins et al., 2017), where the objective is not to standardise but rather performing according to the created reference framework, presuming freedom, responsibility, labour value, self-consciousness, family and community insertion, and the participation of the surrounding society. The main results obtained show that CLIL Methodology is integrative, holistic and inclusive, and that the selection of varied hipersensorial resources used throughout the activities motivate the pupils and promote their interest, participation and creativity in learning, acquiring and building new learning of a Foreign Language, which for this STP is the English Language. The new learning built on the knowledge the pupils already have – scaffolding – and the inclusion of the pupils’ diverse contexts work as an added value when applying CLIL Methodology and the connecting link with new learning when acquiring a new language. The CLIL project, which is not very common in our schools, is one of the projects of the school where this STP took place, proves that “while translanguaging work in schools is still in its infancy and is sometimes even contested in bi/multilingual education programmes, we are beginning to see that all children are capable of competence in additional languages” (Ching & Lin, 2019, p.104), as we were able to check by the pupils’ positive response to the CLIL Methodology we adopted in our planning and the achievement of the objectives we aimed at.
Keyword: Acquisition; Aprendizagem; Aquisição; CLIL; Cognição; Cognition; Colaboração; Collaboration; Communication; Comunicação; Content; Conteúdo; Context; Contexto; Cultura; Culture; Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Sociais::Ciências da Educação; Ensino Básico; Ensino Inclusivo; Família; Family; Inclusive Learning; Integração; Integration; Language; Learning; Lexical Chunks; Linguagem Integração Aprendizagem; Methodology; Metodologia; Primary Education; Recursos; Resources; Sociedade; Society
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Assessment of Multiple Intelligences in First-Year Engineering Students in Northeast Mexico
In: Sustainability; Volume 14; Issue 8; Pages: 4631 (2022)
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Analysis of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Knowledge of Cuban Teachers in Primary Schools and Preschools
In: Education Sciences; Volume 12; Issue 4; Pages: 284 (2022)
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Le goût d’ecrire: implementing inclusive writing instruction in a French Immersion classroom ...
Fournier, Adele. - : Electronic version published by Vancouver Island University, 2022
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Towards Inclusion in Spanish Higher Education: Understanding the Relationship between Identification and Discrimination
In: Social Inclusion ; 9 ; 3 ; 81-93 ; Inclusive Universities in a Globalized World (2022)
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CLIL as an inclusive approach. a didactic proposal to attend to diversity
García Román, María del Carmen. - : Universidad de Córdoba, 2022
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The development of a core key word signing vocabulary (Lámh) to facilitate communication with children with down syndrome in the first year of mainstream primary school in Ireland
Frizelle, Pauline; Lyons, Caoimhe. - : Taylor & Francis, 2022
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Desarrollo profesional de maestros de educación especial a través de la narración digital
In: Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, ISSN 1134-3478, Nº 71, 2022 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Discursos de odio en comunicación: Investigaciones y propuestas), pags. 93-104 (2022)
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Teachers’ attitudes toward the inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder: Impact of students’ difficulties
In: ISSN: 1750-9467 ; EISSN: 1878-0237 ; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders ; ; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Elsevier, 2021, 83, pp.101746. ⟨10.1016/j.rasd.2021.101746⟩ (2021)
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De la méthodologie expérimentale à la recherche interventionniste. Contribution à une approche socio-anthropologique de l'école et de la société inclusives [Volume 1. Note de synthèse]
Pelletier, Liliane. - : HAL CCSD, 2021
In: ; Education. Université de La Réunion, 2021 (2021)
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Récits de soi de jeunes vivant avec la mucoviscidose
In: ISSN: 2609-5211 ; La nouvelle revue - Éducation et société inclusives (ISSN : 2609-5211) ; ; La nouvelle revue - Éducation et société inclusives (ISSN : 2609-5211), INSHEA, 2021, Varia, 2 (89-90), pp.65-87 (2021)
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Inclusive education and migrant pupils: interpersonal effects of cooperative goal structures ...
Gentile, Maurizio; Bertini Malgarini, Patrizia. - : University of Salento, 2021
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Physical Education Teachers’ Self-Efficacy toward Including Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia
In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Volume 18; Issue 24; Pages: 13197 (2021)
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Intersectional Aspects of Education at the Nexus of Disability and Forced Migration: Perspectives of Parents, Educational Experts, and School Authorities in Greater Vienna
In: Education Sciences ; Volume 11 ; Issue 8 (2021)
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Design of Educational Tools Based on Traditional Games for the Improvement of Social and Personal Skills of Primary School Students with Hearing Impairment
In: Sustainability ; Volume 13 ; Issue 22 (2021)
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As Catholic Schools Become More Diverse, How Should We Prepare New Catholic School Educators for Inclusive Schools? An Analysis of Research on University and Diocesan Teacher Training
In: Journal of Catholic Education (2021)
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Facilitating Inclusive Institutions of Higher Education, an assistive technology approach for CLD students with disabilities.
In: Georgia Educational Research Association Conference (2021)
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Evaluation of an e-Learning teaching innovation to assist clinical radiation therapy educators in the provision of student feedback
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