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Oslo Early Education Study, study 2: Impact of a professional development intervention on the quality of caregiver–child interactions. ...
Bratlie, Siri. - : Open Science Framework, 2022
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Using Peer-models and AAC to Increase Expressive Vocabulary in Preschool Children with Developmental Delays
In: Electronic Theses and Dissertations (2022)
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Analysis of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Knowledge of Cuban Teachers in Primary Schools and Preschools
In: Education Sciences; Volume 12; Issue 4; Pages: 284 (2022)
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Exploring Mobile Screen Media Use Among Preschoolers and the Implications for Supporting Children’s Early Language and Literacy Skills
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Early Numeracy Assessment In French preschool: structural analysis and links with children’s characteristics
In: ISSN: 0966-9760 ; EISSN: 1469-8463 ; International Journal of Early Years Education ; ; International Journal of Early Years Education, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), In press, pp.1-18. ⟨10.1080/09669760.2021.1938518⟩ (2021)
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Understanding the Nexus Between Early Learning and Development Standards, Emergent Bilingual Learners, and Language Policy in Boston, Massachusetts
Casper, Julie. - 2021
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Динамика рассказов детей-билингвов: проблемы и практика ... : Dynamics of Stories of Bilingual Children: Problems and Practice ...
Протасова Екатерина Юрьевна. - : Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика, 2021
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Η συμβολή του παραμυθιού στην κατάκτηση του γλωσσικού γραμματισμού στη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής γλώσσας ως δεύτερης σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας ...
Μπουδουρίδου, Ειρήνη. - : Democritus University of Thrace, 2021
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Understanding the Nexus Between Early Learning and Development Standards, Emergent Bilingual Learners, and Language Policy in Boston, Massachusetts ...
Casper, Julie. - : Columbia University, 2021
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Fühlen Denken Sprechen. Alltagsintegrierte Sprachbildung in Kindertageseinrichtungen ...
null. - : Waxmann, 2021
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幼兒園美語融入式教學之實施歷程與成效 ; The Implementation Process and Effects of American English Incorporated Teaching in Kindergartens
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Fühlen Denken Sprechen. Alltagsintegrierte Sprachbildung in Kindertageseinrichtungen
Cloos, Peter Hrsg.; Salisch, Maria von Hrsg.; Mähler, Claudia Hrsg.. - : Waxmann, 2021. : Münster, 2021. : New York, 2021. : pedocs-Dokumentenserver/DIPF, 2021
In: Münster ; New York : Waxmann 2021, 196 S. - (Sprachliche Bildung; 7) (2021)
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Rhyming in the context of the phonological awareness of pre-school children ; Rima v kontekstu fonološke ozaveščenosti predšolskih otrok
In: CEPS Journal 11 (2021) 1, S. 115-138 (2021)
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Förderung ab Geburt mit dem Programm "PAT - Mit Eltern Lernen": Effekte im ersten Kindergartenjahr ; Early support with the program "PAT - Mit Eltern Lernen": effects in the first year of Kindergarten
In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften 43 (2021) 2, S. 285-296 (2021)
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Preschool and Kindergarten Predictors of 6th Grade Reading Comprehension in Monolingual English and Spanish-English Bilingual Children ...
Gray, Shelley. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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Addendum to Preschool and Kindergarten Predictors of 6th Grade Reading Comprehension in Monolingual English and Spanish-English Bilingual Children ...
Gray, Shelley. - : Open Science Framework, 2021
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Rhyming in the context of the phonological awareness of pre-school children ... : Rima v kontekstu fonološke ozaveščenosti predšolskih otrok ...
Grofčíková, Soňa; Máčajová, Monika. - : University of Ljubljana, 2021
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Potencializar a consciência fonológica no pré-escolar: um estudo centrado num contexto orientado pela rotina High Scope
Abstract: Relatório da prática profissional supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar ; O presente relatório espelha o meu percurso da Prática Profissional Supervisionada II (PPSII), realizado ao longo de seis meses, numa sala de Jardim de Infância (JI) de um contexto socioeducativo que orientado pelo modelo High Scope, com um grupo de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 5 anos. Neste relatório pretende-se refletir acerca da intervenção e investigação desenvolvida na sala de JI em referência. Para o efeito, apresenta-se uma caracterização reflexiva do contexto socioeducativo, nas suas diferentes dimensões (meio, o contexto educativo, a equipa educativa, o ambiente educativo, o grupo de crianças e as respetivas famílias), são explicitadas as intencionalidades pedagógicas que sustentaram e orientaram a minha ação educativa enquanto estagiária e faz-se ainda uma reflexão sobre o processo de construção profissional resultante das experiências vivenciadas no decurso das PPS. Ao longo do processo de observação, verificou-se que o grupo de crianças da sala em que estive integrada apresentava conhecimentos relacionados com a consciência fonológica, como identificar o som das letras. Consequentemente, face a estas observações, surgiu o interesse em desenvolver uma investigação sobre a temática da consciência fonológica no pré-escolar, em particular, como é que a mesma é trabalhada num contexto que se rege pela abordagem High Scope com os seguintes objetivos: (i) Analisar de que forma a rotina da sala do JI2 pode potenciar a promoção da consciência fonológica do grupo; (ii) Identificar as estratégias e atividades mobilizadas pela equipa educativa para promover a consciência fonológica; (iii) Identificar que materiais utilizados no modelo High Scope que podem favorecer a consciência fonológica; (iv) Sinalizar e caracterizar as tarefas fonológicas que o grupo de crianças da sala de JI2 consegue realizar. Em termos metodológicos, de modo a dar resposta aos objetivos traçados, optou-se pela realização de um estudo de natureza qualitativa ou interpretativa, orientado pela metodologia de estudo de caso, onde se recorreu a diferentes técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados, tais como: observação direta participante, através do registo de notas de campo; observação direta sistemática, através do preenchimento de grelhas; consulta/análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas à educadora cooperante (EC) e à auxiliar de ação educativa que acompanha o grupo. Através dos dados recolhidos é possível constatar-se que o modelo High Scope, neste contexto em específico, potencializa o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica durante os momentos da rotina, devido às estratégias e atividades mobilizadas e os materiais disponibilizados. Os resultados colocam ainda em evidência os momentos da rotina que facilitam o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica, como, o quadro das mensagens, os pequenos e grandes grupos; as estratégias e atividades mobilizadas pela equipa educativa, particularmente, distribuição dos materiais das crianças referindo os sons iniciais, bater palmas, contar sílabas e jogos como o tambor das rimas e os materiais utilizados, nomeadamente: os letter links, letras em diversos materiais e jogos com letras. E por fim, sinalizaram-se e caracterizaram-se as tarefas fonológicas que o grupo de crianças da sala de JI2 consegue realizar, nomeadamente, identificar o seu nome e o nome dos seus amigos, recorrendo ou não aos letter links; identificar as letras escritas; identificar o som das letras; contar sílabas e rimar, com ou sem ajuda. Este estudo enuncia que este grupo de crianças, neste contexto em específico, consegue associar os sons iniciais semelhantes devido à constante utilização dos letter links e consegue rimar porque a equipa de sala recorre a jogos como o tambor das rimas frequentemente. Uma vez que os materiais estão todos etiquetados, as crianças já conseguem identificar letras escritas e associar as mesmas ao respetivo som. ; ABSTRACT This report reflects my trajectory of Supervised Professional Practice II (PPSII), carried out over six months, in a Kindergarten (JI) room in a socio-educational context guided by the High Scope model, with a group of aged children between 3 and 5 years. In this report we intend to mirror and reflect on the intervention and research carried out in the JI room in reference. For this purpose, it presents a reflective characterization of the socio-educational context, in its different dimensions (environment, educational context, educational team, educational environment, group of children and their respective families), the pedagogical intentions that supported and guided my educational action as an intern and there is also a reflection on the process of professional construction resulting from the experiences lived during the PPS. During the observation process, it was found that the group of children in the room I was integrated in had knowledge related to phonological awareness, such as identifying the sound of letters. Consequently, given these observations, there was an interest in developing an investigation on the theme of phonological awareness in preschool, in particular, how it is worked in a context that is governed by the High Scope approach with the following objectives: ( i) Show how the routine of the JI2 room can contribute to the promotion of phonological awareness; (ii) Identify the strategies and activities used by the educational team to promote phonological awareness; (iii) Identify which materials used in the High Scope model that can favor phonological awareness; (iv) Signal and characterize the phonological tasks that the group of children in the JI2 room can perform. In methodological terms, in order to respond to the outlined objectives, it was decided to carry out a study of a qualitative or interpretive nature, guided by the case study methodology, using different techniques and data collection instruments, such as : direct participant observation, through the registration of field notes; systematic direct observation, by filling in a grid; document consultation/analysis and semi-structured interviews with the cooperating educator (CE) and with the educational action assistant who accompanies the group. Through the collected data, it is possible to verify that the High Scope model, in this specific context, enhances the development of phonological awareness. The results also highlight the routine moments that facilitate the development of phonological awareness, the strategies and activities mobilized by the educational team, particularly the distribution of materials for children referring to the initial sounds, clapping, counting syllables and games such as the drum. rhymes, songs and rhymes and the materials used, such as: letter links, lyrics in various materials and games with lyrics. Finally, the phonological tasks that the group of children in the JI2 room can perform were identified and characterized, namely, identifying their name and the names of their friends, using letter links or not; identify the written letters; identify the sound of the letters; count syllables and rhyme, with or without help. This study states that this group of children, in this specific context, manages to associate similar initial sounds due to the constant use of letter links and manages to rhyme because the classroom team frequently uses games such as the rhyming drum. Since the materials are all tagged, children can now identify written letters and associate them with their respective sound. ; N/A
Keyword: Consciência fonológica; Educação Pré-escolar; High scope; Phonological awareness development; Preschool education
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Κείμενα ταυτότητας και ερευνητικές τους προσεγγίσεις στο νηπιαγωγείο ...
Κομπιάδου, Ευδοξία Δ.. - : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2021
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Technology of Organization of Speech Therapy Practice in a Preschool Education Institution ...
Olga, Prokofeva. - : Zenodo, 2021
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