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The Indian family on UK reality television: Convivial culture in salient contexts
Malik, S. - : Sage Publications, 2013
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Circuitos, perturbaciones y transformaciones de la modernidad/colonialidad : análisis discursivo en contextos chilenos y canadienses
Smith, Sara. - 2013
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Limiting Liberalism (Multi)cultural Epistemologies, (Multi)cultural Subjects
Schulz, KARLA. - 2013
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Re-branding Canada: The Origins of Canadian Multiculturalism Policy, 1945-1974
Blanding, Lee. - 2013
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How community college adjunct faculty members teaching communication courses understand diversity as it relates to their teaching
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Official Bilingualism and Immigrants: Perceptions, Experiences and Practices ...
Galiev, Albert. - : Graduate Studies, 2013
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Negotiating the Non-Negotiable: Re-visioning Writing Center Approach to Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
In: (2013)
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Diversity And Equity.Community Building Strategies In Public Libraries For Multicultural Communities
In: Research outputs 2013 (2013)
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Словесна музика як засіб психологізації та естетизації художньої оповіді у романі Т. Моррісон «Джаз»
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Reconcilable differences? Human diversity, cultural relativity, and sense of community
Townley, Greg; Kloos, Bret; Green, Eric P.. - : Springer, 2013
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Diversity matters: Japan's domestic diversity and the role of English language teaching
In: Sociology Faculty Publications (2013)
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Creative We Stand: Exploring the Links between American National Identity, Multicultural Exposure and Creativity.
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Limiting Liberalism (Multi)cultural Epistemologies, (Multi)cultural Subjects
Schulz, Karla. - 2013
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Valuing Students’ Cultural Experiences and Linguistic Abilities In the Classroom
In: Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education (2013)
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Notas unamunescas por el decano de los hispanistas franceses
In: Cuadernos de la Cátedra Miguel de Unamuno; Vol. 4 (1953); 9-42 ; 2792-7830 ; 0210-749X (2013)
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A Curious Passport: The Impact of World Language Immersion Education on Adult Alumni
In: Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects (2013)
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Muslim Parents at Crossroads: Choosing the Right School for their Children
In: Comparative and International Education / Éducation Comparée et Internationale (2013)
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Changement identitaire et revendications régionalistes du Kansaï au Japon
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Práticas discursivas em processos de letramento no ensino médio : a construção da identidade negra
Abstract: Tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (ramo de conhecimento em Literacias e Ensino do Português) ; Esta tese apresenta um trabalho de análise do discurso de professores/as de Língua Portuguesa em interação com alunos/as negros/as em sala de aula, em situações de letramento. A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral compreender o processo discursivo pelo qual os/as professores/as do Ensino Médio constroem a identidade de jovens negros/as em processos de letramento na sala de aula. Especificamente, visa-se identificar a concepção de ensino de Língua Portuguesa dos/as professores/as; identificar as vozes do discurso das aulas dos/as docentes; relacionar as práticas discursivas dos/as educadores/as com os modos como os/as alunos/as negros/as se posicionam nas práticas de letramento e, mais amplamente, nas práticas sociais; caracterizar a natureza das práticas discursivas dos/as professores/as que são constitutivas da identidade dos/as alunos/as durante as aulas de português; caracterizar as trocas verbais entre professores/as e alunos/as quanto às suas finalidades; relacionar os possíveis efeitos do discurso dos/as professores/as sobre seus/suas discentes negros/as. Busca-se, ainda, identificar o conhecimento que alunos/as e professores/as têm a respeito da Lei 10.639/2003 e suas consciências, percepções ou pensamentos sobre a construção da identidade racial (ou sobre o racismo) e a aprendizagem do português, bem como identificar como se dão as relações de interação entre professores/as e alunos/as negros/as e como as práticas discursivas podem ou não ser constituidoras de identidades dos/as estudantes durante as aulas. O estudo enquadrou-se nas teorias de linguagem, principalmente na teoria crítica de Fairclough (2001, 2003), assim como na teoria de Bakhtin (1979, 1992, 2003, entre outros), e de outros/as pesquisadores/as sobre linguagem e língua, identidade e multiculturalismo, educação, racismo e preconceito socioculturais, por exemplo, Lacan (1996, 1998), Hall (2002), Munanga (2004), Tadeu da Silva (1999, 2007), Gomes (2003), Freire e Macedo (1990), Charaudeau (1983, 1993, 1999), Orlandi (2001), Soares (1999) e a legislação brasileira concernente ao assunto. Como metodologia adota-se o estudo de caso, na modalidade de múltiplos casos, na medida em que se investigam as práticas discursivas de três docentes (um professor e duas professoras) de Língua Portuguesa, do Ensino Médio, de escolas públicas da região Leste da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Como instrumentos metodológicos foram utilizados observações e gravações de trinta e seis aulas, caderno de campo e entrevistas com três professores/as e vinte e sete alunos/as negros/as. O corpus utilizado é composto dos discursos gravados nas aulas observadas. Para a análise dos discursos dos/as educadores/as em seu relacionamento com os/as alunos/as negros/as, escolheu-se o método de análise de discurso, especificamente, o construto de Fairclough (2001), do qual se consideraram algumas das categorias mais importantes para trabalhar com as vozes do discurso da aula e a constituição da face dos outros, nomeadamente Pessoa, Polidez, Polifonia, Modalidade e Ethos. A análise dos dados possibilitou a compreensão de como se dão as relações de interação entre os/as professores/as e alunos/as negros/as em sala de aula no processo de ensinoaprendizagem do português, bem como nos permitiu identificar os possíveis efeitos dos discursos dos/as docentes na constituição da identidade dos/as estudantes negros/as no Brasil contemporâneo. Nota-se que as relações entre docentes e discentes são tecidas em meio a um jogo de resistências de ensinar/aprender português, de discurso monofônico e de conflito de vozes, de práticas silenciadoras e negatórias das diferenças etnico-raciais e de um distanciamento entre professores/as e alunos/as negros/as. As práticas discursivas dos/as docentes são marcadas por um autoritarismo pedagógico, um descomprometimento com o ensino do português e uma desconstituição da face do/a aluno/a, o que leva a um silenciamento das vozes dos/as discentes negros/as, ao não aprendizado do português e à desconstrução da identidade negra ; This work presents a study of discourse analysis of the interaction of Portuguese language teachers with black students, in the classroom, during literacy teaching processes. The research aimed at understanding the discoursive processes through which the teacher of Ensino Médio builds the identity of young black people during classroom literacy processes. Specifically the research aims at identifying teachers’ views concerning Portuguese language teaching; at identifying the voices in classroom discourse; at relating teachers’ discoursive practices with the ways black students position themselves in the literacy practices and more widely in social practices; at characterizing the nature of the teachers’ discoursive practices that are constitutive of the students’ identity, during Portuguese language classes; at characterizing the verbal exchanges between teachers and students regarding their purposes; at relating the possible effects of teachers’ discourse regarding their black students. The aim is also to identify the knowledge that students and teachers have about the Brazilian law 10.639/2003 and their consciousness, perceptions or thoughts about the construction of racial identity (or on racism) and about learning Portuguese, as well as how to identify what are the interaction ways between teachers and black students and how the discoursive practices may or may not be constitutive of students’ identities during classes. The study is anchored in language theories, especially the critical theory of Fairclough (2001, 2003), Bakhtin’s (1979, 1992, 2003, among others), and on other researches about language, identity and multiculturalism, education, racism and sociocultural prejudices such as, for example, Lacan (1996, 1998), Hall (2002), Munanga (2004), Tadeu da Silva (1999, 2007), Gomes (2003), Freire e Macedo (1990), Charaudeau (1983, 1993, 1999), Orlandi (2001), Soares (1999), together with the Brazilian legislation regarding the subject. The methodology adopted is the case study, in the form of multiple cases, insofar as it investigates the discoursive practices of three Portuguese Language teachers (one man and two women), at the level of Ensino Médio, of public schools in the eastern region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. As methodological tools we used observations and audio-records of thirty-six classes, a field notebook and interviews with the three teachers and twenty-seven black students. The corpus of discourse data consists of the recorded lessons. To analyze teachers’ discourse in its relationship with black students, we chose discourse analysis methodology, specifically, Fairclough’s (2001) construct, from which we used some of its most important categories to work with classroom voices and the constitution of the face of others, namely Person, Politeness, Polyphony, Modality and Ethos. The data analysis allowed us to understand some features of the classroom interaction between teachers and black students during the Portuguese language teachinglearning processes, and allowed us to identify the possible effects of teachers’ discourse on the constitution of black students’ identity in contemporary Brazil. We could note that the relations between teachers and students are woven with great resistance to teach and learn Portuguese language, within a monophonic discourse and conflict of voices, of silencing practices as well as practices that deny ethnic racial differences. The main feature is that of a big gap between teachers and black students. The discoursive practices of the teachers are marked by an authoritative pedagogy, a lack of commitment to the teaching of Portuguese language and by the student's face deconstitution, leading to the silencing of the black students voices, to not learning the language and to the deconstruction of their black identities.
Keyword: 372.88:806.90; 806.90:372.88; Black identity; Identidade negra; Language; Letramento; Linguagem; Literacy; Multiculturalism; Multiculturalismo
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An Assessment of Diversity Competence among College Seniors: An Exploratory Study
In: University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations (2013)
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